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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unfirm has 2 senses
  1. unfirm, unsteady - not firmly or solidly positioned; "climbing carefully up the unsteady ladder"; "an unfirm stance"
    Antonym: fixed (indirect, via unfixed)
  2. shifting, unfirm - (of soil) unstable; "shifting sands"; "unfirm earth"
    Antonym: compact (indirect, via loose)

Definitions from the Web



adjective - not firm or solid; loose or weak.

verb - to make or become unfirm; weaken or loosen.

Sense 1:

adjective - lacking firmness or solidity.

Example sentence: The unfirm soil caused the tree to sway in the strong wind.

Sense 2:

verb - to weaken or loosen something previously firm.

Example sentence: Over time, the constant pressure unfirmed the grip of the tool.

Sense 3:

adjective - not solidly established or stable; uncertain.

Example sentence: The unfirm job market has created anxiety among recent graduates.

Sense 4:

adjective - not confirmed or proven; without certainty.

Example sentence: The unfirm rumors about the company's closure spread like wildfire.

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