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Adjective unequipped has 3 senses
  1. unfurnished, unequipped - not equipped with what is needed especially furniture; "an unfurnished apartment"
  2. unequipped - without necessary physical or intellectual equipment; "guerrillas unequipped for a pitched battle"; "unequipped for jobs in a modern technological society"
    equipped, equipt, accoutered, accoutred, armored, panoplied, helmeted, outfitted, prepared, transistorized, transistorised, visored
  3. unequipped - not furnished with equipment needed for voyaging
    seaworthy (indirect, via unseaworthy)
unenviable unequal unequal to unequaled unequalised unequalized unequalled unequally unequipped unequite unequivivocal unequivocable unequivocably unequivocal unequivocally unequivocalness unerasable

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