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Adjective uncovered has 2 senses
  1. uncovered - not supplied with a cover or covering; "an uncovered well"; "the stands are uncovered so take an umbrella"
    covered, ariled, arillate, awninged, barnacled, beaded, beplastered, besmeared, daubed, bristling with, canopied, cloaked, clothed, draped, mantled, wrapped, crusted, encrusted, crusty, crustlike, dabbled, spattered, splashed, splashy, splattered, drenched, drenched in, moon-splashed, moss-grown, mossy, mud-beplastered, muffled, overgrown, peritrichous, plastered, sealed, smothered, snow-clad, snow-covered, strewn, sun-drenched, thickspread, tiled, white, snowy
  2. exposed, uncovered - not covered with clothing; "her exposed breast"
    Antonyms: clothed, clad (indirect, via unclothed)
Verb uncover has 2 senses
  1. uncover, bring out, unveil, reveal - make visible; "Summer brings out bright clothes"; "He brings out the best in her"; "The newspaper uncovered the President's illegal dealings"
    --1 is one way to show
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  2. uncover, expose - remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body; "uncover your belly"; "The man exposed himself in the subway"
    Antonyms: cover
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
uncousinly uncout uncouth uncouthe uncouthly uncouthness uncover uncoverd uncovered uncovering uncovers uncovwer uncrannied uncrate uncreased uncreative uncreativeness

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