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unclean spirit


Definitions from the Web

Unclean Spirit

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: In biblical context, an unclean spirit refers to a demon or an evil spirit believed to possess or influence a person.

Example Sentence: The exorcist performed a ritual to rid the young girl of the unclean spirit.

Sense 2: A figurative expression used to describe a negative or impure influence on someone's thoughts, emotions, or actions.

Example Sentence: The fear of failure had an unclean spirit on his determination to pursue his dreams.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Referring to something that is impure, contaminated, or morally corrupt.

Example Sentence: The unclean spirit polluted the river, causing harm to the aquatic life.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1: Describing an action done in a manner reflecting impurity or corruption.

Example Sentence: She whispered uncleanly, revealing her true intentions.

Part of Speech: Phrase

Sense 1: Can be used colloquially to describe a place or setting that is dirty, unsanitary, or disorderly.

Example Sentence: They entered an abandoned house with broken windows and an unclean spirit.

Related Products on Amazon: Exorcism Kit, Books on Demonic Possession

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