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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unbaffled has 1 sense
  1. unbaffled, unconfused - not perplexed by conflicting situations or statements
    Antonym: perplexed (indirect, via unperplexed)

Definitions from the Web

Term: unbaffled

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense 1: Not confused or puzzled; not unable to understand or explain something.

Example sentence: The professor looked unbaffled as he answered the complex question with ease.

Sense 2: Not hindered or obstructed; not blocked or impeded.

Example sentence: The unbaffled flow of water from the faucet was a sign that the plumbing was fixed.

Sense 3: Not muffled or subdued; not silenced or drowned out.

Example sentence: The unbaffled laughter of children echoed through the playground.

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