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ulmus crassifolia


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ulmus crassifolia has 1 sense
  1. cedar elm, Ulmus crassifolia - elm of southern United States and Mexico having spreading pendulous corky branches
    --1 is a kind of elm, elm tree
    --1 is a member of Ulmus, genus Ulmus

Definitions from the Web

Ulmus crassifolia


Ulmus crassifolia is a species of deciduous tree commonly known as the Cedar elm. It is native to North America and can be found in various regions throughout the United States.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The majestic Ulmus crassifolia stood tall in the park, providing shade and beauty.
  2. Cedar elms, also known as Ulmus crassifolia, are resistant to Dutch elm disease.
  3. The leaves of Ulmus crassifolia turn a vibrant golden color in the fall.
  4. I planted an Ulmus crassifolia in my backyard to add some natural beauty to the landscape.

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