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Twilight refers to the period of time during the early morning or evening when the sun is below the horizon, creating a soft and dim light. It is a transitional phase between day and night, characterized by a unique atmospheric glow. Twilight is often known for its calm and serene ambiance.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: The period of light during the morning or evening, particularly the time between sunset and darkness.
  • Adjective: Relating to or occurring during twilight; dim or subdued in light.
  • Verb: To grow dark or dim.

Senses and Usages:


  1. The twilight cast beautiful colors across the sky as the sun set over the ocean.
  2. We enjoyed a romantic stroll along the beach during the tranquil twilight.
  3. I prefer to take my evening jog during twilight when it's not too hot outside.


  1. The garden had a peaceful, twilight atmosphere with the soft glow of the lanterns.
  2. The old house had an eerie, twilight feeling as darkness fell.


  1. The room started to twilight as the sun sank below the horizon.
  2. The city's lights began to twilight and the bustling streets transformed into a quiet calmness.

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