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turret clock


Definitions from WordNet

Noun turret clock has 1 sense
  1. turret clock - a clock with more than one dial to show the time in all directions from a tower
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Turret Clock


A turret clock is a mechanical clock that is typically mounted on the outside of a building or church tower, often with a bell or chimes to strike the hours.


Sense 1:

(Noun) A large clock installed in a turret that strikes the hours.

Example Sentence: The magnificent cathedral featured a magnificent turret clock that could be heard throughout the town.

Sense 2:

(Noun) A type of clock mechanism that powers the movement of the hands.

Example Sentence: The intricate gears and springs of a turret clock make it a fascinating piece of engineering.

Sense 3:

(Adjective) Referring to something characteristic of or related to turret clocks.

Example Sentence: The small village is known for its turret clock festival, where enthusiasts gather to admire and discuss these timepieces.

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