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Noun turf has 3 senses
  1. turf, sod, sward, greensward - surface layer of ground containing a matt of grass and grass roots
    --1 is a kind of land, ground, soil
    --1 has particulars: divot
  2. turf - the territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its own
    --2 is a kind of
    city district
  3. turf - range of jurisdiction or influence; "a bureaucracy...chiefly concerned with turf...and protecting the retirement system"
    --3 is a kind of
Verb turf has 1 sense
  1. turf - cover (the ground) with a surface layer of grass or grass roots
    --1 is one way to
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
turf battles turf out turf toe turf war turfan turfan dialect turfing daisy turfman turfs turfy turged turgenev turgid turgidity turgidly turgidness turgor

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