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turbo-propeller plane


Definitions from WordNet

Noun turbo-propeller plane has 1 sense
  1. propjet, turboprop, turbo-propeller plane - an airplane with an external propeller that is driven by a turbojet engine
    --1 is a kind of propeller plane
    --1 has parts: turbojet, turbojet engine, turbofan, turbofan engine

Definitions from the Web

Turbo-Propeller Plane


A turbo-propeller plane, also known as a turboprop, is a type of aircraft that derives its propulsion by using a gas turbine engine to drive a propeller. It combines the benefits of a jet engine's high cruising speed with a propeller's efficiency at lower speeds, making it ideal for regional and short-haul flights.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Noun: A type of aircraft powered by a gas turbine engine driving a propeller.

Example sentence: The turbo-propeller plane made a smooth landing at the regional airport.

Related products on Amazon: Turbo-Propeller Planes

Sense 2:

Adjective: Describing something related to or typical of turbo-propeller planes.

Example sentence: The aviation enthusiasts were excited to visit the turbo-propeller plane museum.

Related products on Amazon: Turbo-Propeller Plane Models

Sense 3:

Adverb: To do something in a manner resembling or characteristic of a turbo-propeller plane.

Example sentence: The car sped past us turbo-propeller plane fast.

Related products on Amazon: Turbo-Propeller Plane Toys

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