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Definitions from WordNet

Noun triskaidekaphobia has 1 sense
  1. triskaidekaphobia - a morbid fear of the number 13
    --1 is a kind of
    simple phobia

Definitions from the Web


Triskaidekaphobia is a noun that refers to the irrational fear or superstition of the number thirteen. It is derived from the Greek words "tris" meaning "three," "kai" meaning "and," and "deka" meaning "ten." This term is often used to describe individuals who experience extreme anxiety or discomfort when encountering the number thirteen.

Triskaidekaphobia can also be used in a more figurative sense to describe a general fear or aversion to anything associated with the number thirteen. This fear is often deeply ingrained in certain cultures and can impact various aspects of everyday life.

Example sentences:

1. Many people with triskaidekaphobia refuse to leave their houses on Friday the 13th.

2. She felt a wave of triskaidekaphobia as she noticed the room number was 1313.

3. His triskaidekaphobia prevented him from dining at tables with thirteen guests.

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