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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective triennial has 1 sense
  1. triennial - occurring every third year or lasting 3 years
Noun triennial has 1 sense
  1. tercentennial, tercentenary, triennial - the 300th anniversary (or the celebration of it)
    --1 is a kind of anniversary, day of remembrance

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Triennial refers to something that occurs or is being done once every three years.

Part of Speech: Adjective, noun


  1. Adjective: Happening or occurring every three years.
  2. Noun: A triennial event or occurrence.


  1. They organize a triennial conference for scientists to share their research findings.
  2. The art museum plans to hold a triennial exhibition showcasing the works of local artists.
  3. The triennial report detailing the company's financial performance will be released next month.

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