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tour de force


Definitions from WordNet

Noun tour de force has 1 sense
  1. tour de force - a masterly or brilliant feat
    --1 is a kind of
    deed, feat, effort, exploit

Definitions from the Web

Tour de Force


Tour de Force is a term derived from French, which literally means "feat of strength." It refers to an impressive and extraordinary display of skill, talent, or achievement in any field. This term is often used to describe a masterful or outstanding performance that leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The pianist's flawless execution of the complex composition was a true tour de force.
  2. The film's stunning visuals and breathtaking storyline make it a tour de force of modern cinema.
  3. The athlete's remarkable sprint in the final stretch of the race was a tour de force that secured their victory.

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