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Definitions from WordNet

Noun torque has 1 sense
  1. torsion, torque - a twisting force
    --1 is a kind of force
    --1 has particulars: magnetic moment, moment of a magnet

Definitions from the Web



1. (Noun) A necklace or a collar-like piece of jewelry, typically made of metal, that is worn around the neck.

2. (Noun) A twisting or rotating force.

Example Sentences:

1. She wore an exquisite torques made of gold and encrusted with diamonds.

2. The ancient Celtic warriors were often depicted wearing torques as a symbol of their status.

3. The mechanic used a torque wrench to tighten the bolts with the right amount of force.

4. The strong wind exerted a torque on the trees, causing them to bend and sway.

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