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topped the cake


Definitions from the Web

  1. Verb - Past Tense

    Topped the cake refers to the act of placing a decorative element or finishing touch on a cake.

    Example Sentence: She carefully topped the cake with a cascade of colorful sprinkles.

  2. Noun - Singular

    Topped the cake can also be used as a noun to indicate the final decoration on a cake.

    Example Sentence: The intricate sugar flower was the beautiful topped the cake.

  3. Adjective - Comparative

    Topped the cake in its adjective form describes a cake that has an exceptional or extraordinary decoration.

    Example Sentence: The bakery showcased a variety of stunning, topped the cake creations.

  4. Phrase - Idiomatic

    The idiomatic phrase topped the cake means to complete or finalize something in an impressive or exceptional manner.

    Example Sentence: Her outstanding performance as Juliet topped the cake for the theater company's successful production.

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