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too big for one's breeches


Definitions from WordNet

Adjective too big for one's breeches has 1 sense
  1. bigheaded, persnickety, snooty, snot-nosed, snotty, stuck-up, too big for one's breeches, uppish - used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant; "a snotty little scion of a degenerate family"-Laurent Le Sage; "they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety"
    Antonym: humble (indirect, via proud)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Too big for one's breeches

Definition: To have an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities; to act superior or overconfident.


  1. He thinks he's too big for his breeches ever since he got promoted.
  2. She's been acting too big for her breeches ever since she won that award.

Synonyms: Arrogant, conceited, egotistical, haughty, pompous.

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