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Definitions from the WebTonemeDefinition:A toneme refers to a linguistic unit that represents a specific tonal feature or pitch contour within a particular language. It is used to distinguish words or phrases in tonal languages. Examples:As a noun:1. The toneme in Mandarin Chinese helps differentiate between words such as "mÄ" (mother) and "má" (hemp). 2. In the tone languages of Africa, tonemes play a crucial role in conveying lexical or grammatical distinctions. As a verb:1. Linguists have been studying how tonemes are acquired by infants learning tonal languages. 2. He tonemes his speech while trying to communicate with the locals during his visit to the African village. Possible Related Products: | ||||
tone system tone up toned toned down toned down predicate tonegawa susumu toneless tonelessly toneme toner tones tong tong ho tonga tongan tongan monetary unit tongariro