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A toddler refers to a young child who is in the early stage of development, typically between the ages of one and three. It is a crucial period in a child's growth where they transition from being an infant to a more independent individual.


Sense 1 (Noun):

A young child who has recently learned to walk or is in the process of learning to walk.

Example sentences:
  1. The toddler took a few wobbly steps before falling into his mother's arms.
  2. She observed her toddler exploring the playground with newfound confidence.
  3. As the toddler stumbled, his father quickly grabbed him to prevent any injuries.

Related products:

Toddler Walking Shoes
Toddler Stroller

Sense 2 (Noun):

Informal term commonly used to refer to young children in general, typically between one and three years old.

Example sentences:
  1. We organized a playdate for our toddlers to socialize and play together.
  2. During the reunion, there were several toddlers running around, creating a lively atmosphere.
  3. The book is specifically designed for parents of toddlers, offering helpful advice on childcare.

Related products:

Toddler Toys
Toddler Books
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