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tobacco pouch


Definitions from WordNet

Noun tobacco pouch has 1 sense
  1. tobacco pouch - a pouch for carrying pipe tobacco
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Tobacco Pouch

A tobacco pouch refers to a small bag or container specifically designed for holding and storing tobacco. It is commonly used by pipe smokers or roll-your-own cigarette enthusiasts to conveniently carry their tobacco along with necessary smoking accessories.

Examples of usage:


  1. He reached into his tobacco pouch and carefully packed his pipe.
  2. She always keeps her tobacco pouch handy, ensuring a fresh supply of tobacco whenever she desires.


  1. The elegant gentleman carried his tobacco pouch with pride, displaying his love for pipe smoking.
  2. In local shops, you can find a variety of beautifully crafted tobacco pouches.

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