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titanium dioxide


Definitions from WordNet

Noun titanium dioxide has 1 sense
  1. titanium dioxide, titanium oxide, titanic oxide, titania - a white powder used as a pigment for its high covering power and durability
    --1 is a kind of pigment; oxide

Definitions from the Web

Titanium Dioxide


Titanium dioxide is a naturally occurring oxide of the chemical element titanium. It is commonly used as a white pigment in various industries due to its high refractive index and opacifying properties.

Noun - Chemical Compound:

Sense 1:

A white, odorless powder compound, TiO2, used as a pigment in paints, plastics, cosmetics, and food products.

Example sentence:

The sunscreen lotion contains titanium dioxide as a key ingredient, providing effective protection against harmful UV rays.

Sense 2:

Any product, such as paint or sunscreen, containing titanium dioxide as a primary ingredient.

Example sentence:

We need to buy some paint with titanium dioxide to cover the walls of our new house.

Related products: Titanium Dioxide Paint

Related products: Sunscreen with Titanium Dioxide

Noun - Mineral:

Sense 1:

A naturally occurring mineral form of titanium dioxide, often found in white or colorless crystal structures.

Example sentence:

The titanium dioxide mineral found in this region is of exceptional quality and is highly sought after by cosmetics companies.

Related products: Titanium Dioxide Mineral Samples


Sense 1:

Relating to or derived from titanium dioxide.

Example sentence:

The painter used titanium dioxide-based pigments to create a bright and vibrant artwork.

Sense 2:

Commonly used in local dialects to refer to something or someone very white or pale.

Example sentence:

The girl had a complexion so fair that her friends jokingly called her "titanium dioxide".

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