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Definitions from WordNet

Verb tiptoe has 1 sense
  1. tiptoe, tip, tippytoe - walk on one's toes
    --1 is one way to walk
    Derived form: noun tiptoe1
    Sample sentence:
    The children tiptoe to the playground

Definitions from the Web



Tiptoed is the past tense and past participle of the verb tiptoe. It refers to the action of walking warily or quietly on one's toes to avoid making noise or disturbance.


  • Sense 1: (verb) walk quietly on one's toes
  • Sense 2: (verb) act or proceed cautiously or discreetly


1. She tiptoed across the room, trying not to wake anyone up.

2. The detective tiptoed around the crime scene, careful not to disturb any evidence.

3. He tiptoed into the kitchen, hoping to surprise his wife with breakfast in bed.

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