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timeless (adjective)

A term to describe something that does not go out of fashion or lose its appeal over time.

Sample sentences:

  • The little black dress is a timeless fashion staple.
  • Classical music is known for its timeless beauty.
  • This movie is a timeless masterpiece that can be enjoyed by all generations.

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timeless (noun)

A term to describe a person who is not affected by the passage of time, often in the context of their appearance.

Sample sentences:

  • Despite her age, she remains a timeless and elegant beauty.
  • His features make him resemble a timeless Hollywood star.

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timeless (adverb)

A term used to describe an action that occurs in a timeless manner, not bound by time.

Sample sentences:

  • The story of love and sacrifice was told timelessly throughout the generations.
  • Her teachings and wisdom continue to resonate timelessly.

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