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time bill


Definitions from WordNet

Noun time bill has 1 sense
  1. time draft, time bill - a draft payable at a specified future date
    --1 is a kind of draft, bill of exchange, order of payment

Definitions from the Web

Time bill


A time bill refers to a detailed record or statement that accounts for the amount of time spent on a specific task, project, or activity. It is commonly used in professional settings to track billable hours and to ensure accurate invoicing and payment.

Sample sentences:


  1. As a freelancer, I always provide a time bill to my clients, so they are aware of the hours I have worked.
  2. The lawyer submitted a detailed time bill to the client, including the time spent on research, meetings, and drafting legal documents.


  1. Make sure to time bill all your activities during the day to have a comprehensive overview of how you spend your time.
  2. She diligently timed billed her work on the project to have an accurate record of her efforts.

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