Definitions from WordNet
Noun time-ball has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebTime-BallA time-ball is a visual time signal which was used in the past mainly by navigators, located at a port or harbor. It consists of a large ball that is dropped at a specific time, typically at noon, to indicate the time to ships at sea. Usage:Noun:The time-ball at the harbor drops at noon, indicating the accurate time to the nearby ships. The sailors relied on the time-ball to set their chronometers correctly. Verb:The captain ordered the crew to time-ball the exact moment the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. They time-balled the event with precision, ensuring everyone at the party knows when to say "Happy New Year!" Adjective:This local harbor is famous for its time-ball system. The popular tourist attraction showcases an impressive time-ball mechanism. Related Products: | ||||
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