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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective timbered has 2 senses
  1. timbered - furnished with or made of wood or timbers; "timbered walls"
  2. timbered - covered with growing timber; "thickly timbered ridges clothed with loblolly pine and holly"; "hills timbered up to their summits"
    unwooded, treeless (indirect, via wooded)

Definitions from the Web

Term: timbered

  1. Adjective (Popularity sense): Referring to an area or a structure covered or filled with timber.
    • Sample Sentence: The timbered house stood proudly amidst the lush green forest.

  2. Adjective (Local sense): Pertaining to the local custom or tradition of working with timber.
    • Sample Sentence: The timbered craftsmanship exhibited in the furniture was a testament to the local heritage.

  3. Verb (Popularity sense): The act of constructing or covering an area or a structure with timber.
    • Sample Sentence: The workers timbered the new cabin using sustainable wood from the surrounding forest.

  4. Noun (Popularity sense): A wooded area or forest primarily consisting of timber-bearing trees.
    • Sample Sentence: He got lost in the vast timbered while searching for rare species of birds.

  5. Noun (Local sense): A local event or festival dedicated to celebrating timber-related activities or products.
    • Sample Sentence: The Timber Fest brings together artisans and enthusiasts to showcase their timbered creations.

Related products:

- Timber Construction Books

- Timber Furniture

- Timber Festival Tickets

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