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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective tight-lipped has 1 sense
  1. close, closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped - inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information; "although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it"
    Antonyms: communicative, communicatory (indirect, via uncommunicative)

Definitions from the Web


Definition: (adjective) Reluctant or refusing to speak or reveal information; secretive.

Sense 1: When used to describe a person, tight-lipped means that they are unwilling to disclose information or secrets.

Example sentence 1: The detective questioned the tight-lipped suspect for hours, but he refused to reveal any details about the crime.

Example sentence 2: She remained tight-lipped about the surprise party, not wanting to ruin the surprise.

Sense 2: When used to describe a smile or facial expression, tight-lipped refers to a closed or compressed mouth, often indicating disapproval or hesitation.

Example sentence 1: Despite his excitement, John's tight-lipped smile showed his apprehension about the upcoming presentation.

Example sentence 2: The politician's tight-lipped expression during the interview raised suspicions about his honesty.

Related products: Books on being tight-lipped, Movies featuring tight-lipped characters, Gadgets for practicing secrecy

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