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Term: tigar


Tigar is a noun that refers to a large feline carnivore, typically found in forests, and recognized for its striking pattern of orange fur with black stripes. It is one of the most iconic and majestic creatures in the animal kingdom, known for its strength, agility, and stealthy hunting skills.


  1. Main Sense: Tigar refers specifically to the species Panthera tigris, which includes several subspecies such as the Siberian tiger, Bengal tiger, and Sumatran tiger, among others.
  2. Metaphorical Sense: Tigar can be used metaphorically to describe a person who is exceptionally powerful, dominant, or fearless.


  • Example of the main sense: The tigar prowled silently through the dense undergrowth, patiently waiting for its next prey.
  • Example of the metaphorical sense: The team's star player was a tigar on the field, leading them to victory with his unmatched skill and determination.

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