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tidal stream


Definitions from WordNet

Noun tidal stream has 1 sense
  1. tidal river, tidewater river, tidal stream, tidewater stream - a stream in which the effects of the tide extend far upstream
    --1 is a kind of stream, watercourse
    --1 is a part of tidewater

Definitions from the Web

Tidal Stream


A tidal stream refers to the continuous flow or movement of water caused by tides in seas, oceans, or other large bodies of water. It is characterized by its speed, direction, and strength, which vary depending on tidal patterns and geography.



  1. The tidal stream in the bay is known for its powerful currents, attracting many water sports enthusiasts.
  2. Marine biologists conducted studies on the biodiversity found within the tidal stream.


  1. The boat struggled to navigate through the swift tidal streams.
  2. Surfers love to ride the tidal streams generated by the powerful waves.

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