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tickler coil


Definitions from WordNet

Noun tickler coil has 1 sense
  1. tickler coil - a small coil in series with the anode of a vacuum tube and coupled to the grid to provide feedback
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Term: Tickler Coil


A tickler coil refers to a type of coil which is used in various electrical devices or systems to generate vibrations or oscillations through electromagnetic induction. It typically consists of a tightly wound wire or a coil of insulated wire capable of producing a magnetic field when an electrical current is passed through it.

Sample Sentences:
  1. The tickler coil in the speaker caused the diaphragm to vibrate, producing sound waves.
  2. When the electric current flows through the tickler coil, it induces a magnetic field which interacts with the magnet to generate motion.
  3. Tickler coils are commonly used in electric motors, buzzers, and various types of radio equipment.
  4. By adjusting the number of windings in the tickler coil, the frequency and intensity of vibrations can be controlled.

Did you know that tickler coils can be found in numerous electronic devices?

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