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Term: through-maybe


Through-maybe is a compound term used to express uncertainty or a lack of commitment in making a decision or reaching a conclusion. It implies a sense of possibility, hesitation, or wavering in one's thoughts or actions.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  1. Adverb: The through-maybe approach allowed him to explore various options before committing.
  2. Noun: Her response was a through-maybe, indicating her indecision about the matter.
  3. Adjective: They adopted a through-maybe strategy to avoid making rash decisions.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Sense: Uncertainty or possibility in decision-making
    • Example Sentence (Adverb): She considered the job offer through-maybe, unsure if it was the right move for her career.
    • Example Sentence (Noun): His response to the invitation was a through-maybe, leaving the host uncertain about his attendance.
    • Example Sentence (Adjective): The company's through-maybe approach allowed them to gather more information before finalizing the project plan.
    • Related Products: Books on Decision Making
  2. Sense: Indecisiveness or hesitation
    • Example Sentence (Adverb): He slowly walked through-maybe through the store, unsure of what to purchase.
    • Example Sentence (Noun): Sarah's through-maybe made the group wait for her final decision, causing delay.
    • Example Sentence (Adjective): The through-maybe attitude of the team lead to a lack of progress on the project.
    • Related Products: Books on Overcoming Indecisiveness
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