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1. A small creature native to the forests of North America, known for its distinctive hooting call and nocturnal habits.

Example sentence: I heard the thirwling's hoot echoing through the dark forest as I walked along the trail.

Related products: Thirwling plush toy


1. (transitive) To throw something forcefully and swiftly.

Example sentence: He thirwled the ball towards the goal, hoping for a point.

2. (intransitive) To move quickly and with a twisting motion.

Example sentence: The gymnast thirwled through the air, showcasing their acrobatic skills.

Related products: Thirwling throwing toy


1. (informal) Describing something that is celebrated or favored by a specific local community.

Example sentence: The bakery is known for its thirwling pastries, which are loved by the townspeople.

Related products: Thirwling cookbook

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