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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective thirty-first has 1 sense
  1. thirty-first, 31st - coming next after the thirtieth in position
    Antonym: cardinal (indirect, via ordinal)

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Relating to or denoting the ordinal number that follows the thirtieth.

Example sentence 1: Today is my thirty-first birthday, and I feel grateful for every year of my life.

Example sentence 2: The thirty-first place finisher in the race received a small prize.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: The thirty-first day of a month.

Example sentence 1: Please submit your report by the thirty-first of this month.

Example sentence 2: We have a meeting scheduled for the thirty-first, so make sure you mark it on your calendar.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Definition: On the thirty-first day of a month.

Example sentence 1: I will finish the project on time, by working diligently and staying late on the thirty-first.

Example sentence 2: The offer expires at midnight on the thirty-first, so make sure you don't miss out!

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