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third estate


Definitions from WordNet

Noun third estate has 1 sense
  1. third estate - the third estate of the realm; the commons (especially in Britain or France) viewed as forming a political order having representation in a parliament
    --1 is a kind of
    commonalty, commonality, commons

Definitions from the Web

Third Estate


The term "Third Estate" historically refers to the third social class in France before the French Revolution. This estate comprised the commoners, who were not members of the clergy (First Estate) or the nobility (Second Estate). The Third Estate played a crucial role in the French Revolution as they sought greater representation and political power.

Sense 1: Social Class

In the context of the French Revolution, the Third Estate represented the majority of the population, consisting of commoners and peasants.

Related products on Amazon: French Revolution History Books, Books on Commoners in History

Sample Sentence: Sense 1

The Third Estate demanded equal rights and fair representation in the government.

Sense 2: Modern Usage

In contemporary usage, the term "third estate" may be used to refer to any social group or class that is not considered part of the elite or ruling class.

Related products on Amazon: Books on Social Class, Books on Inequality Issues

Sample Sentence: Sense 2

In the modern context, the concerns and struggles of the third estate are often overshadowed by the interests of the privileged few.

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