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The thermocline refers to a layer in a body of water, such as a lake or ocean, where there is a rapid change in temperature with depth.

Senses and Usages:

1. Physical Oceanography:

The thermocline is a zone in the ocean where the temperature decreases rapidly as depth increases. This layer plays a crucial role in influencing the distribution of marine life and oceanic currents.

Example sentence: During our scuba dive, we reached the thermocline and immediately felt the drop in water temperature.

2. Limnology:

In a lake or reservoir, the thermocline is the layer that exhibits a sharp temperature change between the warmer surface waters and the colder deep waters.

Example sentence: Fishing enthusiasts often search for the thermocline since it is a popular spot for various fish species to gather.

3. Building Construction:

In construction, the term thermocline refers to a layer of insulation that separates two areas with different temperature zones to reduce thermal transfer.

Example sentence: The architect incorporated a thermocline into the design to improve the energy efficiency of the building.

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