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textual criticism


Definitions from WordNet

Noun textual criticism has 1 sense
  1. textual criticism - comparison of a particular text with related materials in order to establish authenticity
    --1 is a kind of
    criticism, literary criticism
    --1 has particulars: higher criticism; lower criticism; Masorah, Masora

Definitions from the Web

Textual Criticism


Textual criticism refers to the analysis and evaluation of texts to determine their authenticity, accuracy, and integrity. It involves examining variations, errors, and modifications that may have occurred throughout the transmission of a text.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Textual criticism of ancient manuscripts helps scholars assess the reliability of historic texts.
  2. Through textual criticism, the team discovered a previously unknown variant reading in the manuscript.
  3. This edition of the book includes extensive footnotes on the textual criticism applied during the compilation process.

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