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terrain intelligence


Definitions from WordNet

Noun terrain intelligence has 1 sense
  1. terrain intelligence - tactical intelligence on the natural and man-made characteristics of an area
    --1 is a kind of
    tactical intelligence, combat intelligence

Definitions from the Web

Term: Terrain Intelligence


Terrain Intelligence refers to the ability to gather, analyze, and utilize information about the physical characteristics, features, and conditions of a specific area or terrain. It involves understanding and making informed decisions based on the topography, vegetation, hydrology, geology, and other relevant factors of a particular land or geographic region.

Sample Sentences:

As a noun:
  1. Geologists use terrain intelligence to assess the soil composition in different regions.
  2. The military utilizes terrain intelligence to develop effective strategies during warfare.
  3. Companies rely on terrain intelligence to select suitable locations for construction projects.
As an adjective:
  1. The hiker demonstrated impressive terrain intelligence by navigating through the rugged landscape effortlessly.
  2. The terrain intelligence survey provided valuable insights for urban planning and development.
  3. Mountaineers require advanced terrain intelligence skills to safely climb challenging peaks.

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