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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tephrosia has 1 sense
  1. Tephrosia, genus Tephrosia - genus of tropical and subtropical herbs or shrubs: hoary peas
    --1 is a kind of rosid dicot genus
    --1 is a member of Papilionoideae, subfamily Papilionoideae
    --1 has members: hoary pea

Definitions from the Web



Tephrosia refers to a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Fabaceae family. It encompasses various species of shrubs and herbs which are predominantly found in tropical and subtropical regions. The plants of Tephrosia are known for their potential medicinal properties and are occasionally cultivated as ornamentals.

Sample sentences:

  • The tephrosia plant is widely used in traditional medicine for its diuretic effects.
  • These beautiful tephrosia flowers add a vibrant touch to the garden.
  • Tephrosia species have been studied extensively for their antimicrobial properties.
  • I have planted some tephrosia seeds in my backyard to attract butterflies.

Possible related products on Amazon:

Tephrosia tea

Tephrosia seeds

Tephrosia extract

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