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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective telemetered has 1 sense
  1. telemetered - of or pertaining to telemetry; "the telemetered information was recorded and analyzed"

Definitions from the Web

Term: Telemetered


Telemetered is the past tense of the verb "telemeter", which refers to the act of measuring or transmitting data from a remote location using telecommunications devices. It is often used in the context of scientific research, remote sensing, and data collection.

Senses and Usages:

1. Verb (Present Tense):

Definition: To measure or transmit data from a remote location using telecommunications devices.

Example Sentence: The scientists telemeter data from the deep-sea exploration equipment back to their research facility for analysis.

Related Products: Telemetry Devices on Amazon

2. Verb (Past Tense):

Definition: Measured or transmitted data from a remote location using telecommunications devices in the past.

Example Sentence: The research team successfully telemetered the temperature and humidity readings from the weather station throughout the entire night.

Related Products: Telemetry Systems on Amazon

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