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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tawse has 1 sense
  1. tawse - a leather strap for punishing children
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



Definition: A leather strap divided into two lashes, used for corporal punishment.

Sample Sentence: The teacher used a tawse to discipline the misbehaving student.


Definition: To strike or whip with a tawse.

Sample Sentence: The headmaster tawsed the student for breaking the school rules.


Definition: Describing something related to or characteristic of Scotland.

Sample Sentence: She decorated her living room with a tawse tartan pattern.

Popular Usage

Tawse is often associated with traditional Scottish schools where corporal punishment was practiced.

Local Usage

Tawse is commonly used in Scotland and among the Scottish diaspora to refer to the instrument of corporal punishment.

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