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tattel tail


Definitions from the Web


Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A person, especially a child, who tells others about someone else's misbehavior or secrets.

Usage: The term "tattletail" is often used to describe someone who frequently reports or reveals confidential information.

Sample Sentence 1: The little girl was known as the school's tattletail because she would always expose her classmates' mischievous acts to the teacher.

Sample Sentence 2: Parents often remind their children not to be a tattletail, encouraging them to handle conflicts independently.

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: Describes a person or behavior characteristic of a tattletail.

Usage: The adjective form is commonly used to criticize or mock someone for being overly nosy or intrusive.

Sample Sentence 1: Lisa's tattletail behavior resulted in her alienating most of her colleagues at the office.

Sample Sentence 2: Jack's tattletail nature often led him to get involved in others' business, causing unnecessary conflicts.

Part of speech: Verb

Sense: To inform or report someone's wrongdoings or secrets to others.

Usage: The verb form is used when referring to the act of tattling or divulging information.

Sample Sentence 1: The sibling rivalry escalated when Ethan decided to tattletail on his sister, revealing her hidden diary to their parents.

Sample Sentence 2: It's often frowned upon to tattletail on your colleagues at work, as it may create a negative work environment.

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