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Noun: Tanglers refers to a type of decorative hair accessories that are designed to create intricate and intricate hair styles. These accessories are usually made of colorful ribbons, threads, or strings that can be intertwined and twisted to produce unique looks.

Example: Sarah used tanglers to create a beautiful braided hairstyle for the party.

Adjective: As an adjective, tanglers describes something that is prone to getting tangled or tangled easily.

Example: The tanglers cables behind the TV caused a lot of frustration while setting up the new gaming system.

Verb: Tanglers can also function as a verb, referring to the act of getting tangled or intertwining.

Example: The kite's tail tanglers as it flew higher in the gusty wind.


  1. Noun: Tanglers can also refer to plants or bushes with intertwining or tangled branches.
  2. Noun: In fishing, tanglers are hooks with tangled threads or other materials used to lure or ensnare fish.
  3. Noun: Tanglers may also denote puzzles or problems that are complex and confusing to solve.
  4. Noun: Tanglers can be used as a slang term for people who enjoy or participate in complicated or unclear situations.

Related products: Explore tanglers and similar hair styling accessories on Amazon.

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