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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tamale has 1 sense
  1. tamale - corn and cornmeal dough stuffed with a meat mixture then wrapped in corn husks and steamed
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



A tamale is a traditional Mexican dish made with masa (dough) that is typically filled with seasoned meat, cheese, or other ingredients, wrapped in a corn husk, and then steamed or boiled.


  1. Noun: A type of Mexican food consisting of cornmeal dough wrapped in a corn husk and usually filled with meat, cheese, or beans.
  2. Adjective (Informal): Popular or well-liked by the general public.


  1. Noun:
    • "I ate a delicious tamale filled with chicken and cheese."
    • "Traditional tamales are often served during festivities and holidays."
    • "The tamale was steamed to perfection, releasing an enticing aroma."
  2. Adjective (Informal):
    • "The movie gained a tamale reputation among moviegoers."
    • "The tamale song became an instant hit on the radio."

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