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talking book


Definitions from WordNet

Noun talking book has 1 sense
  1. talking book - sound recording of someone reading a book; frequently used by blind people
    --1 is a kind of
    sound recording, audio recording

Definitions from the Web

Talking Book

Noun: A recorded version of a book that is designed to be listen to rather than read.

Example: She enjoyed listening to the talking book while commuting to work.

Product: Search for Talking Books on Amazon

Adjective: Pertaining to or relating to a book intended for auditory use.

Example: The library offers a wide range of talking book titles for visually impaired individuals.

Product: Search for Talking Books on Amazon

Verb (Present Tense): The act of expressing thoughts or ideas in spoken form.

Example: They are talking book ideas during the brainstorming session.

Product: Search for Books on Effective Communication on Amazon

Verb (Past Tense): The act of discussing or conversing about a book.

Example: They talked books for hours, sharing their favorite authors and genres.

Product: Search for Books on Book Recommendations on Amazon

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