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taking responsibility


Definitions from the Web

Term: Taking Responsibility

Part of speech: Verb

Sense 1: To acknowledge and accept the obligation to account for one's actions, decisions, and their consequences.

Example sentence:

"John realized he had made a mistake and took responsibility for his actions by apologizing to his colleagues."

Sense 2: To assume the role of being accountable for a task, duty, or obligation.

Example sentence:

"As the team leader, Sarah willingly took responsibility for assigning the tasks to her team members."

Part of speech: Noun

Sense 1: The act or state of being accountable or answerable for something.

Example sentence:

"The company's CEO emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions as a core value in the organization."

Sense 2: The act of accepting and fulfilling one's obligations and duties.

Example sentence:

"Taking responsibility for managing the project, Susan ensured that every task was completed on time."

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: Characterized by a willingness to accept accountability for one's actions.

Example sentence:

"Hazel is known for her responsible behavior and taking responsibility for any mistakes she makes."

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