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take for granite


Definitions from the Web

Take for Granite


"Take for Granite" is a common misspelling and misinterpretation of the phrase "take for granted," which means to not appreciate or value something properly.

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Sample Sentences:

As a verb:

  1. She took her family's support for granite until it was too late.
  2. He takes his girlfriend's love for granite, not realizing how lucky he is.

As a noun:

  1. Being oblivious to the beauty of nature is a take for granite that many people tend to have.
  2. The character's arrogance is a take for granite that drives the plot.

Note: Please don't take "take for granite" for a legitimate phrase, use "take for granted" instead.

take count take down take effect take exception take fire take five take flight take for take for granite take for grant take for granted take form take heart take heed take hold take hold of take home

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