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  1. A group of symptoms that together indicate a particular condition, disorder, or disease.

Example sentence:

The doctor could easily diagnose her illness once he recognized the syndiome of symptoms associated with it.

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  1. Characterized by displaying a set of common or stereotypical behaviors, thoughts, or beliefs.

Example sentence:

The film portrayed the protagonist as a syndiome character, embodying the average everyday struggles of the working class.

Related Products: Books on Stereotypes in Media


  1. To create or establish a syndicate, typically for the purpose of collaborating or sharing resources.

Example sentence:

The artists decided to syndiome their works, pooling their skills and materials to create a more impactful exhibition.

Related Products: Books on Collaboration in Business


  1. In a manner characterized by following or conforming to a set of predetermined conventions or practices.

Example sentence:

She consistently and syndiome attended all the cultural events in her town, always adhering to the established social customs.

Related Products: Books on Social Etiquette

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