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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective syncretic has 2 senses
  1. syncretic, syncretical, syncretistic, syncretistical - relating to a historical tendency for a language to reduce its use of inflections; "modern English is a syncretic language"
  2. syncretic, syncretical, syncretistic, syncretistical - of or characterized by syncretism

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Relating to or characterized by syncretism, which is the combination or blending of different religious or philosophical beliefs, traditions, or practices.


  1. Popular Sense: Refers to the merging or union of diverse cultural elements or ideas.
  2. Local Sense: Pertaining to a specific region or locality where syncretism is observed.

Sample Sentences:

  • The syncretic music festival showcased a beautiful fusion of different musical styles from around the world.
  • In this region, the syncretic practices of indigenous religions and Christianity are widely observed.
  • Her artwork is a syncretic representation of various art forms from different periods.
  • The syncretic cuisine of this town is a delicious blend of flavors from different cultures.
  • I am fascinated by the syncretic blend of traditional and modern architecture in this city.

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