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Dictionary Term: swinnged


(verb) The past tense and past participle of "swing".


Sense 1:

(verb) To move back and forth or from side to side in a pendulum motion.

Example Sentence: The children swinnged on the playground swings until sunset.

Sense 2:

(verb) To hit or strike with a sweeping or sweeping-like motion.

Example Sentence: The baseball player swinnged the bat with great force, hitting a home run.

Sense 3:

(adjective) Having characteristic swings.

Example Sentence: The swinnged bridge offered a thrilling experience as it moved up and down with the river's flow.

Sense 4:

(noun) A misspelling or variation of the word "swinged."

Example Sentence: The author unintentionally used the term swinnged instead of swung in his book.

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