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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective swanky has 1 sense
  1. swank, swanky - imposingly fashionable and elegant; "a swank apartment"
    Antonyms: unfashionable, unstylish (indirect, via fashionable)

Definitions from the Web


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: stylish and luxurious.

Sense 1: fashionable and trendy.

Example sentence: The swanky new restaurant in town is known for its upscale dining experience.

Sense 2: elegant and posh.

Example sentence: The swanky hotel had beautiful chandeliers and marble floors in the lobby.

Sense 3: showy and extravagant.

Example sentence: She arrived at the party in a swanky sports car, impressing everyone with her flashy ride.

Part of speech: verb (transitive)

Definition: to make something or someone stylish or luxurious.

Sense 1: transform or upgrade to a more fashionable state.

Example sentence: They swanked up their living room by adding sleek furniture and modern artwork.

Part of speech: noun

Definition: luxurious or high-end place.

Sense 1: a stylish and fancy venue.

Example sentence: The billionaire hosted his extravagant party at a swanky mansion overlooking the ocean.

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