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suturing set


Definitions from the Web

Suturing Set

A suturing set is a collection of instruments and materials necessary for performing sutures, which are stitches used to close wounds or surgical incisions.

Sense 1: Medical Instrument

In the field of medicine, a suturing set typically includes instruments such as surgical needles, forceps, scissors, and needle holders. These tools are used by healthcare professionals to perform stitches in various medical procedures.

Example Sentence:

The surgeon used a suturing set to close the incision after the successful completion of the surgery.

Sense 2: Veterinary Use

In veterinary medicine, a suturing set is used by veterinarians to suture wounds or lacerations in animals. It includes specialized instruments designed for animal-specific suturing needs.

Example Sentence:

The veterinary surgeon used a suturing set to stitch up the deep cut on the dog's paw.

Sense 3: First Aid Kit Component

A suturing set can also be an essential component of a first aid kit, especially in remote areas or during outdoor activities where immediate medical attention may not be readily available.

Example Sentence:

During their camping trip, they were grateful to have a suturing set in their first-aid kit when one of their friends accidentally cut his hand with a knife.

Sense 4: Training and Educational Use

Suturing sets are also used for educational purposes, such as medical or veterinary training programs, where students can practice and perfect their suturing techniques.

Example Sentence:

The medical students eagerly gathered around the suturing set to practice their suturing skills under the guidance of their professor.

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